My journey in Kamloops began on August 23rd, 2023, marking a period of significant personal and professional growth. After initial challenges and perseverance, I secured employment as a cashier at a south Indian restaurant on McGill Road. However, due to seasonal changes affecting sales, I transitioned through various roles including housekeeping and volunteering.

After an eight-month search, I found employment at Tim Hortons on Powwow Trail. This role, which involved a demanding schedule spanning from 4 am to 1 pm, presented new challenges in adapting to a fast-paced environment. These experiences, although challenging, have been instrumental in cultivating resilience and adaptability.

Kamloops has been a catalyst for numerous first-time experiences, enriching my skill set and instilling a mindset of perseverance and capability. I am now equipped with a confident attitude that I can successfully navigate any challenge that comes my way.